Biography Udo Luyken
Reichs-camp at the Hohen Meißner near Kassel!
- Pentecost 1931- Excerpt from "Jugendland", booklet 12, pages 1 to 14:
It is the first camping of the Reichs-boy-scouts in the German Guttempler-Order. The assembly was opened by the
Reichsfeldmeister Doktor (Helmuth Hövetborn). He talked about the beginning two years ago and about the fights and
the goals, about the tight relationships to the Swedish I.O.G.T.-boy-scouts! Then there was a campfire in the evening
and everybody showed what he could! The Brown Bears Berlin took over with a self-composed song and suddenly a mummed shape
appears in the light of the fire, the Grey Fox, who tells the story of his clan BBB! After midnight everybody goes to his
tent. The next day the Reichsfeldmeister (Doktor) held a good-bye speech and gave a new password. Still Pentecost 1931
-excerpt: Prophet (Udo Luyken), Wiking Clan, Düsseldorf, later living in Leipzig (in the "Jugendland"-booklet see below).
I the camera man - a contribution of him. He filmed the Pentecost-meeting at Meißen in 8-mm-narrow film. Also the Filibuster
Meeting 1932. Frequent guest of our BBB he also participated at our campfires and meetings, also during the
times of the "technical preparedness" as the meeting Upper Bavaria in 1937 and Dachstein 1938. All the great films got lost
by his soldiers death. I want to commemorate on him through a picture of him!
die schriftleitung (German)