Luyken Family Association

Arnold Luyken (1766-1807)
Name index



  On Arnold Luyken:

Ludwigshafen, 1.8.2010/font>

Johann Arnold Luyken, Generation 7, Ref.Nr. 07-011 (BK1361)

Born: 28.9.1766 in Wesel (Germany)
Died: 7.10.1807 in Amsterdam (Netherlands) from "nervous fever" (Age: 41 years)

Occupation: Priest, preacher in Wallach (Germany)

Father: Daniel III Luyken
Mother: Christina Gertrutha L�hr

Spouse: Margaretha Schneider
Married: 3.12.1799 in Wesel

Philippine Luyken (1801-1862)
Gustav Luyken (1803-1874)
Hermann Luyken (1805-1888)

Biography Arnold Luyken

Arnold was immatriculated for the study of theology on 20.10.1783 at Duisburg University (see link below).

Excerpt from the immatriculation book:

S. 495

Johanne Petro Berg tertium rectore nomina huic albo inscripserunt sequentes.

Anno 1783

1. Die 2 Octobris. Heinrich Vielhaber, theol. studiosus / Wolter Vielhaber / Rhurorth.
2. Die 13. Carolus Beinius, honorum doctoralium in medicina candidatus / Mauritius Beinius, chirurgus primarius / Spira. ---
3. Die 14. F.W. Weyershaus, medicinae studiosus / D.G. Weyershaus, pharmacopola / Schwelma-Marcanus.
4. Eodem. Johannes Gabriel Sch�pplenberg, iuris studiosus / Post Commissarius / Clivia.
5. Die 15. Christoph Wilhelm Henrich Sethe, iuris studiosus / Caspar Henrich Sethe, Assistenz-Rath / Clivo-Clivensis.
6. Die 20. Johann Arnold Luyken, theologiae studiosus / Daniel Luyken, Kaufmann / Vesalia.
7. Die 25. Gottlieb Christoph Hengstenberg, theol. stud. / Johann Hermann Hengstenberg, Apotheker / Elberfelda-Montanus.
8. Eodem. Johann Christoph Dittmar, theologiae studiosus / Christoph Dittmar, B�rger / Elberfelda-Montanus.
9. Die 28. Engelbertus Orley, medicinae studiosus / Bartholomaeus Orley, ObristLeutenant / Coesfeldt.
10. Die 31. Arnold Rietveld, medicinae studiosus / Hermannus Rietveld / Embrica.
11. Die 3 Novembris. Josephus Antonius Glumm, medicinae studiosus / Hennericus Albertus Glumm, chirurgus / Ottensteiniensis.
12. Die 4. Joannes Henricus Cohausen, medicinae studiosus / Henricus Josephus Cohausen, medicinae doctor / Vredensis.
13. Die 6. Johann Friedrich Schaeffer, medicinae candidatus / Theodor Schaeffer, dum viveret chirurgus / Iserloniensis.

Hic J.F.W. Weyershaus necnon Jo.G. Sch�pplenberg ex academia Halensi, G.Chr. Hengstenberg et Jo.Chr. Dittmar ex Herbornensi, Arn. Rietveld ex Leidensi academia huc concesserunt.

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Links Arnold Luyken

Internal links
• Biography, family bulletin 1936, page 431 (German)
• Memoirs, family bulletin 1936, page 474 (German)
• Continuation memoirs, family bulletin 1936, page 499 (German)
• Continuation memoirs, family bulletin 1937, page 515 (German)
• Diary Gustav Luyken, family bulletin 1955, page 85 (German)

External links
Immatriculation book University of Duisburg, 1783 (Latin)

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